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‘Emotional wellbeing is a prerequisite for creativity and productivity’

When people are thriving in their workplace, creativity and productivity, (not to metion staff  turnover rates and profits) all improve. More and more employers and organisations are following the science that we now have to explain why this is the case and investing and putting staff wellbeing at the heart of the policy making. The results? An improved bottom line in every sense. 

Whether you are an employer who wants a happier, more cohesive and productive workforce, or an organisation whose staff are routinely exposed to traumatic incidents and want to understand how the work environment can either exacerbate or mitigate the risks of this, working with us in this way could be of immeasurable benefit. Building on a solid foundational understanding of the needs that we all, as humans, share, and of the difficulties (stress, anxiety, increased physical illness, anger and depression) that result when they are not met, you will work collaboratively to shape a future for your people where their wellbeing drives positive change on every level.   

Any consultancy work begins with an initial conversation, on the phone or over Zoom,  to understand more about your needs as a business or organisation. From that, we can then tailor a package of input that addresses the particular areas identified and then will work either one-to-one with key individuals or collaboratively with groups of staff  – often starting with those who have a role in shaping the running of your organisation or business. 


Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss further at [email protected]